Website Compliance Requirements

To accept online payments with Segpay, your website must meet our Website Compliance Checklist to receive approval for processing payments. These rules ensure your website meets legal standards, is secure for processing transactions, and protects you from non-compliance fines issued by the card brands (Visa, Mastercard, etc.).

  • Non-Compliance Assessments (NCAs) issued by the Card Brands can range from USD 50,000 to USD 400,000 per assessment.

  • While we provide comprehensive guidance into the compliance process, it's important to consult your legal counsel to fully understand your specific legal obligations and ensure compliance with Card Brand regulation.

Benefits of Website Compliance

  • Increases Sales & Customer Confidence:
    A compliant website assures customers their transactions and data are secure, encouraging them to confidently purchase from you.

  • Saves Money:
    Reduce unnecessary costs due to customer complaints, chargebacks, disputes, or fines. Compliance streamlines your operations by proactively addressing potential issues.

  • Protects Financial Security:
    Avoid hefty penalties and fines from regulatory bodies and card brands.

  • Grows Customer Loyalty:
    Demonstrates your commitment to customer security and ethical practices. This fosters trust, loyalty, and repeat business, leading to increased revenue.

  • Strengthens Brand Reputation:
    Position yourself as a responsible and reliable business in the digital marketplace. A strong reputation attracts more customers, partnerships, and protects you from costly brand damage.

Website Compliance Checklist

To quickly set up processing with Segpay, ensure your website meets the compliance requirements listed here. You can find the details for each requirement in the dedicated subpages:

  1. Domain Ownership: Establish clear ownership and control over your website's domain.

  2. Access & Login Credentials: Provide access to member areas and all content.

  3. Disclosures: Ensure your policies are transparent, accessible, and comply with legal and regulatory standards.

  4. Prohibited Content: Avoid using brand damaging or illegal content on your site.

  5. User-Generated Content: Monitor and manage content created by users to maintain a safe and compliant online environment.

  6. Advertising Restrictions: Adhere to guidelines on advertising, including compliance with endorsements and testimonials.

  7. Visa & Mastercard Reference for Merchants: Access specific resources and requirements set by Visa and Mastercard for merchant compliance.

We encourage you to meticulously explore each section to fully understand and implement the necessary compliance measures for your website's success.

Need Help?

Need help navigating the compliance process? Contact your Segpay Account Manager or for support and guidance.