3. Disclosures

Clear, easy-to-find information on your website is essential. It builds customer trust, reduces chargebacks, and keeps you compliant with card brand rules. Difficulty in locating such information can lead to visitor dissatisfaction and potential loss of business.

Key Disclosure Requirements

The information listed here must be easy to find and clearly displayed on your website. Click on each item to view the details:

18 U.S.C. 2257 Record-Keeping Requirements Compliance Statement

For sites containing sexually explicit content, include a statement named “18 U.S.C. 2257 Record-Keeping Requirements Compliance Statement”, containing the disclosure required by 18 U.S.C. 2257.

Adult Content Notices

It is required that you display an 18+ warning before users access adult content, as most acquiring banks (the financial institutions that process your transactions) require it. Additionally, depending on your target markets, you may need to verify the age of your users to comply with local laws.

Complaints & Content Removal

You must implement an easy-to-use complaints process that allows individuals to report content that may be illegal, non-consensual, or violates card brand rules.

Customer Support

Include contact information for customer support.

Membership Cancellation

Provide a straightforward membership cancellation method.

Merchant Details

Prominently display the merchant's name and address.

Pricing Information

Clearly state the initial and any recurring costs associated with your products/services.

Privacy Policy

Ensure a privacy policy is accessible, detailing data handling practices.

Product/Service Descriptions

Clearly describe your products or services.

Terms of Service

Include details on refunds and cancellation policies within your terms of service.

Website Disclosure Guidelines

We recommend using the following compliance guidelines for website disclosures to keep your customers and payment processor happy.

To help customers find information easily, we recommend including links for these important topics in your website footer:

  • Billing Support: Include Billing Support information with an easily accessible cancellation link leading to http://cs.segpay.com/

  • Customer Support: Provide information on how to contact Customer Support.

  • Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy: Make essential legal information easily accessible.

  • 18 U.S.C. 2257 Record-Keeping Requirements Compliance Statement: If your site contains sexually explicit content, include a link named "18 U.S.C. 2257 Record-Keeping Requirements Compliance Statement" to display disclosure information.

  • Complaints & Content Removal: Clearly display your complaint policy and outline the process for reporting content that may be illegal or otherwise violates the Card Brand rules. This also includes allowing any person depicted in content to request its removal.

Accessibility: All of the above information must be easily accessible to users without requiring them to log in or make a payment. Links to policies and helpful information should be prominently displayed.

Website Footer Example:

Example Website Footer

You must display this information on your website:

Required Information Details
Merchant's Full Registered Name Located in a prominent place on the website, such as the website footer, Contact Us page, About Us page, or Terms and Conditions.
Merchant's Full Registered Address
  • Cannot be a P.O. Box address

  • Display as searchable text and not as an image.

A pre-join page is any webpage immediately preceding the page where payment information is collected. It displays pricing options available to the customer.

Pricing Guidelines

Pricing shown on your pre-join page must follow these guidelines:

  • Clarity: Prices must be displayed clearly and unambiguously.

  • One-time vs. Recurring: Explicitly state whether charges are one-time or recurring.

  • Recurring Charges Detail: If a subscription or recurring payment is involved, provide the following:

    • Trial period details (if applicable): Length, currency, and amount.

    • Regular recurring period (e.g., monthly, annually).

    • Regular recurring charge: Currency and amount (if different from the trial period).

Required Statements for Pre-Join Pages

Copy one of the following statements based on your region. Place it prominently on your website's pre-join page.


US Merchants

Statement 1:

Please visit <a href="http://cs.segpay.com">SEGPAY.COM</a>, our authorized sales agent.
Please visit <a href="http://cs.segpay.com">SEGPAY.COM</a>, our authorized sales agent.

Statement 2:


Charges will appear on your credit card statement as <a href= "http://cs.segpay.com">SEGPAY.COM*Your Descriptor</a>.

Charges will appear on your credit card statement as <a href= "http://cs.segpay.com">SEGPAY.COM*Your Descriptor</a>.


EU Merchants

Statement 1:


Please visit <a href="http://cs.segpay.com">SEGPAYEU.COM</a>, our authorized sales agent.

Please visit <a href="http://cs.segpay.com">SEGPAYEU.COM</a>, our authorized sales agent.

Statement 2:


Charges will appear on your credit card statement as <a href= "http://cs.segpay.com">SEGPAYEU.COM*Your Descriptor</a>.

Charges will appear on your credit card statement as <a href= "http://cs.segpay.com">SEGPAYEU.COM*Your Descriptor</a>.


UK Merchants

Statement 1:


Please visit <a href="http://cs.segpay.com">SEGPAYUK.COM</a>, our authorized sales agent.

Please visit <a href="http://cs.segpay.com">SEGPAYUK.COM</a>, our authorized sales agent.

Statement 2:


Charges will appear on your credit card statement as <a href= "http://cs.segpay.com">SEGPAYUK.COM*Your Descriptor</a>.

Charges will appear on your credit card statement as <a href= "http://cs.segpay.com">SEGPAYUK.COM*Your Descriptor</a>.


Pre-Join Page Example following Pricing Guidelines with Required Statement:

Example of Pre-Join page

Your descriptor is set when your account is first opened, and it is subject to Segpay approval.

Descriptor Recommendations:

  • No more than 9 characters in length.

  • Use your business name, website name, program name, product name, etc.

  • It helps customers easily identify their web purchases on card statements.

Many chargebacks result from customers being unable to recognize the purchase.

Terms and conditions are essential for protecting both you and your customers. They allow you to establish rules and guidelines that your website visitors must follow and inform customers of their rights and purchase terms. Remember, sometimes less is more, so keep your terms and conditions simple.

T&Cs are a contract between you and the user detailing both parties' rights and obligations, including any restrictions and disclaimers. It is crucial to write them in clear, comprehensive language that everyone can understand, avoiding legal or technical jargon.

Ensure your website has an option for customers to accept the T&Cs before signing up or making a purchase. We recommend using unchecked tick boxes for this purpose.

T&Cs Recommendations

When creating your T&Cs, we recommend you consider the following items:

  • The contracting parties.

  • Rights and obligations of each party.

  • Restrictions / Prohibited Use and Activities.

  • Payment Terms.

  • Refunds and Returns.

  • Cancellations / Terminations.

  • Account Termination and Suspension.

  • Penalties for violating the T&Cs.

  • Governing jurisdiction.

  • Limit Liability.

Some merchants prefer to have a separate policy for refunds and cancellations. If the information is clear and easy for customers to find, we don't mind if you include it in the T&Cs or separately.

Your most important website policy is the Privacy Policy, which is a legal requirement. Any data you collect from your website visitors should be addressed in the policy by including the following information:

  • Your details.

  • What data will be collected?

  • What will the data be used for?

  • How will the data be collected and stored?

  • Who will the data be shared with?

  • Any Tracking Tools used.

  • An opt-out option.

  • Contact information if a visitor has a query regarding the policy.

  • Effective date of the policy.

  • Consider all the markets you are selling into to ensure you comply with local laws.

Provide clearly visible customer support details for non-billing questions and issues on every website. Easily accessible customer support fosters positive customer experiences, potentially reducing complaints and minimizing chargebacks.

  • Prominently place customer support information in the website footer, "Contact Us" page, or “Billing Support” page.

  • Provide a customer support email address and a telephone number. Ensure they are displayed as searchable text, not within an image.

Handle customer queries promptly because retaining existing customers is easier than gaining new ones.

To comply with card brand rules, websites offering adult content and services must have a clear and accessible process for handling complaints about illegal, non-consensual or rule-violating content.


  1. Complaint Link: Clearly display a link in your website's footer labeled "Complaints & Content Removal." Other acceptable labels for this link include "Complaints," "Take Down Requests," "Content Removal," or "Report Abuse." Ensure this link is accessible without requiring a login or payment.

  2. Clear Explanation: The complaint link must open a page that:

    • Explains your complaint policy and process in plain language.

    • Details how complaints are investigated and resolved within seven (7) business days.

    • Clearly states that illegal content is removed immediately and reported to Segpay and relevant authorities where necessary.

    • Indicates all complaints receive a response and explanation about what action was taken.

    • Provides an appeal process for individuals who believe they were depicted in content without their consent.

      1. When an appeal is triggered, you must confirm you obtained appropriate consent.

      2. If consent cannot be established, you must take down the content immediately. This also applies if the person depicted in the content can demonstrate that the consent is void under applicable law.

      3. If you disagree the consent is void under applicable law, you must allow the disagreement to be resolved by a neutral body at your expense.

  3. Online Complaint Form: The form must be clear, easy to use, and include all necessary fields.

  4. Reporting: All complaints, including those about illegal content, must be reported to Segpay via the Merchant Portal.

    • File a report by the 5th of the following month detailing all complaints/removal requests.

    • If you have no complaints, submit a "Nil Report" or "Zero Incident Report" by the 5th of the following month.

  5. Remove Content Button: If possible, place a "Remove Content" or "Report Content" button directly on each piece of content or performer for user convenience.

Click the link to view an example of a Complaints and Content Removal page.

These measures demonstrate your commitment to ethical practices, protect the individuals depicted in your content, and help you maintain compliance with card brand regulations.

Please refer to the "Visa & Mastercard Reference for Merchants" section for additional details.

Need Help?

Contact your Segpay Account Manager for assistance or questions about setting up disclosures.