1. Domain Ownership

To process transactions through Segpay, you must prove you own each website where you'll accept online payments. This maintains security and compliance with card brands. Failure to register your websites can result in Non-Compliance Assessment (NCAs), fines or account termination under the guidelines of the card brands.

Required Actions

  • Register all domains where you plan to process transactions through Segpay.

  • Provide proof of ownership for each domain.


  • Whois Record: A publicly available collection of data that shows who owns a domain name, their contact information, and important dates related to the domain's registration.

  • Domain Registrar: A company that manages the reservation of domain names. They handle registering a new domain on your behalf and ensure it stays connected to the internet.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Make Ownership Public or Provide Proof:

  • Option 1: Public Ownership: Turn off any privacy settings on the domain and make sure the name and address match the registered merchant details with Segpay.

  • Option 2: Upload Proof: If you keep privacy settings turned on, provide proof of ownership when submitting your website through the Segpay Merchant Portal (instructions below).

2. Submit a License Agreement (if needed):

If you don't own the website, upload a license agreement showing your relationship with the website owner (instructions below).

3. Remove Redirects:

Make sure the website URL you submit leads directly to the correct website (no redirects to other sites or pages).

4. Register ALL Websites:

If customers can access additional sites related to your business (even bonus or free sites), register these with Segpay as well. This ensures comprehensive compliance.

Helpful Resources

Finding Your Whois Record

There are several free Whois lookup tools available. A simple web search for "Whois Lookup" will provide numerous options. Here are some popular choices:

If you cannot find your WhoIs record using public services, your domain name is likely privacy-enabled. Log into your domain registrar's website to access it.

Domain Registrar Support

Contact your domain registrar's support team for assistance with changing privacy settings, obtaining your Whois record, or any other domain-related questions.

Need Help?

Contact your Segpay Account Manager for assistance or questions about setting up access.