4. Prohibited Content

Merchants must strictly monitor and control the content displayed on their websites to maintain a compliant and reputable online environment. This section outlines the critical standards for content management, ensuring adherence to Segpay and card brand policies and avoiding potential fines or account termination.

Responsibility and Compliance

No content (imagery, videos, wording, including titles and descriptions, comments, tags, etc or any other media) must show, describe, or suggest an individual engaged in any illegal or brand-damaging activity. Content violating Segpay or card brand policies can result in significant fines and the termination of your account.

You are responsible for establishing controls to prevent prohibited content from being published or shared via your website(s). Don’t rely on the fact that you may have purchased the content from a studio. You are still responsible for everything displayed on your website.

Your Responsibility for Content Compliance:

  • Zero Tolerance: Absolutely no content (including images, videos, text, comments, tags, etc.) may depict, describe, or suggest illegal or brand-damaging activity. Violations of Segpay or card brand policies will result in severe consequences, including significant fines and account termination.

  • Accountability: You are fully responsible for preventing prohibited content from appearing on your website(s). This responsibility extends to all content, even if purchased from a third-party studio.

Mandatory Safeguards:

  • Pre-Publication Review: Implement a rigorous review process for all content (in-house or user-submitted) before it goes live. This ensures compliance with all relevant policies.

  • Age and Consent Verification: Confirm all individuals in your content are legally consenting adults (18+). Maintain detailed records to demonstrate compliance.

  • Protecting Your Business: Adhering to these standards is crucial for maintaining a safe platform, avoiding legal repercussions, and safeguarding your business relationship with Segpay.

Prohibited Content Categories

Prohibited content includes, but is not limited to, the following:

Prohibited Content Category Description
Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) Content should not feature, imply, or suggest the involvement of individuals under 18 years of age. The term "teen" must be accompanied by clear statements that models are 18 or 19 years old e.g. Teen 18+. This also applies to tags and category names. Individuals under the age of 18 may not be involved in any content of a sexual nature, regardless of whether they are participating.
Rape/Non-Consensual Sexual Activity This includes any content which is real or implies a lack of consent. Examples include but are not limited to assault, rape, force, asleep, drugged, passed out, blacked out, kidnap, capture, chloroformed, unconscious, hypnotized, drunk, intoxicated, inebriated, stoned, etc. Someone who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, sleeping, hypnotized, etc., cannot give consent. Therefore, any sexual activity with such an individual (including suggested) is considered non-consensual and is classified as a violation.
Alcohol, Drugs, & Drug Paraphernalia Alcohol, drugs and drug paraphernalia are not allowed, regardless of whether they are being consumed / used or they are in the background. There must be no reference or inference to alcohol, drugs or drug paraphernalia in the title, description, or comments. Someone who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs cannot give consent. Possession and use of certain drugs is also illegal.
Bestiality This includes content showing, describing, or implying sexual activity with animals (including cartoon characters) and non-human creatures (aliens, mythological creatures, fantasy characters, etc.).
Incest Content suggesting sexual activity between biological family members or close relatives is banned. It is considered illegal in many jurisdictions, and there is always the concern that incest may involve one party being under the age of 18. This does not extend to step-relatives, stipulating that all parties are depicted as over 18. Use of words such as daddy, mommy, uncle, etc. are prohibited by many of our acquiring partners.
Violence & Extreme Sexual Violence Any content depicting violence and extreme sexual violence is prohibited. This includes mutilation of a person or body part, depiction of blood, broken skin, excessive bruising, brutality, and pain.
Weapons There can be no weapons visible on the website. There must be no reference or inference to weapons in the title, description, or comments. Knifes, swords, blades, guns, including replicas etc are prohibited).
Intellectual Property Rights Violations Any sale of goods or services involving the unauthorized use of a material for which you do not hold rights is prohibited. This includes counterfeit goods, content not properly licensed, and the unauthorized use of a celebrity's name, image, or likeness.
Obscenity Any sale of patently offensive goods or services that violate contemporary community standards. This includes depictions of scat or human feces.
Hate Crimes Content promoting hostility, prejudice or crime motivated by age, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, nationality, race, religion or sexual orientation.
Death & Necrophilia Any content depicting death, dead people, autopsies, executions, snuff, fantasy snuff, necrophilia or suicide.

Scope of Prohibitions

The prohibited content mentioned applies to the following:

  • Actual content

  • Suggested content

  • Cartoons and animations

  • AI-generated and computer content

  • Links to your website (this means that you are directly responsible for the advertising practices of your affiliates)