5. User Generated Content

User Generated Content (UGC) offers exciting possibilities for your site, but it's vital to manage it responsibly. UGC is anything users create and share on your website. This includes:

  • Live cam streaming

  • Fan sites

  • Photos and video

  • Other content people can upload directly to your platform

UGC Benefits and Risks

UGC can boost engagement and build a sense of community. However, be aware that you may be held responsible for harmful or illegal content others post. It's crucial to protect your business and your users by implementing the proper safeguards.

User uploads are prohibited on AI sites.

UGC Compliance Requirements

If your website allows user-generated content (UGC), you are required to take the following actions to reduce associated risks:

  • Age and Identity Verification: Verify the age and identity of all content creators using official government-issued ID documents. Collect and validate these documents.

  • Written Consent Agreements: Obtain written agreements from content creators that include:

    • A promise not to engage in illegal activity or violate card brand rules.

    • Written consent from all individuals appearing in their content, granting permission to appear, to distribute the content publicly, and to allow others to download it (if applicable).

    • Documented age and ID verification for all individuals appearing in their content.

  • Content Uploads: Restrict uploads to verified content creators only.

  • Pre-Publication Review: Review all content before it goes live on your website.

  • Complaint Resolution Process: Have a system for handling illegal or non-consensual content complaints within seven business days (including content removal). Provide clear instructions on your website.

  • Content Removal Process: Allow individuals shown in content to request its removal. Include a clear policy and instructions on your site.

  • Live-Streaming Control: (For live-streaming sites) Ensure complete control with real-time monitoring, the ability to immediately terminate streams, and remove content.

Required Documentation

In addition to adhering to the UGC Compliance Requirements, you must also provide us:

  • Fully completed "Adult Content Due Diligence Checklist"

  • Detailed Policies and Procedures:

    • Content Management: Covers age/ID verification, content review (before it goes live), upload/download guidelines, real-time platform monitoring, marketing policies, and how to identify and prevent abuse/trafficking.

    • Complaints: Process for reporting issues, resolving complaints, and appealing content removal.

  • Sample Content Creator Agreement: If you work with third-party content providers.

  • Chargeback/Fraud Mitigation Policy: Required on a case-by-case basis.

  • Refund/Return Policy: Required if you're selling physical or digital good. You must have a clear return or refund policy on your website.

Procedure Document Requirements

To ensure the safety and integrity of our platform, merchants must provide a detailed procedure document outlining their user-generated content (UGC) management practices. This document should replace general statements with clear, actionable guidelines.


Make sure your procedure document covers the topics listed:

Required Topic Description
Identity & Age Verification Describe how you conduct age and ID verification of content creators and all individuals appearing in content. This must include the collection and validation of valid official government issued ID documents.
Content Review & Handling Describe the specific steps involved in reviewing and approving UGC before publication.
Content Moderation Personnel Identify the roles and responsibilities of individuals or teams responsible for content moderation.
Tools & Technologies
  • List third-party tools used for identity and age verification, if any.

  • Detail whether you employ automation or other third-party services to aid content review. If so, provide descriptions.

Documentation & Agreement Availability Confirm your ability to produce creator identification documents and signed agreements within 48 hours of a request.
Handling Inappropriate Content Explain your procedures for addressing non-compliant and illegal content.
Offender Management Outline your process for dealing with users who violate your UGC policies.
User Banning Criteria Clearly define the conditions that would lead to a user ban.
Prevention of Exploitation Describe your proactive measures to prevent the platform from facilitating human trafficking, sex trafficking, physical abuse, or prostitution.
Prohibited Marketing & Search Terms Explain how you actively restrict marketing and search terms that could suggest or allude to child exploitation or nonconsensual activities.
Streaming Platform Specifics
  • Detail your process for ensuring that only verified individuals participate in live streams.

  • Outline the consequences for non-verified individuals appearing on streams.

  • Explain how you monitor a 24/7 platform with multiple performers.

  • Confirm your ability to immediately terminate a live stream if necessary.

Content Moderator Training Manual Optional documentation. If available, providing your training manual for content moderators would offer valuable insights into your moderation practices.

Compliance Checks

We may periodically ask you to provide ID verification and signed agreements for certain content creators as part of our regular compliance checks.

Ongoing Reporting

You must submit monthly reports to Segpay detailing how you handled UGC complaints or takedown requests. You can do this through the Merchant Portal under the Website Compliance Violations report.

Check out our Website Content Violations documentation for helpful information on how to submit a report.