SRS Developer Info

The Segpay Reporting Service (SRS) API is a collection of SOAP-based web services that equip developers with tools for various reporting and administrative operations tailored for Segpay merchants. With SRS, merchants can effectively track and analyze their sales and customer data and execute several consumer support tasks, such as refunds and cancellations.

This comprehensive guide details SRS API operations, authentication procedures, request-response formats, and examples to seamlessly integrate SRS API into your software applications.


The SRS API functions through two endpoints:

  1. Reporting Service:

  2. Administrative Service (Consumer Support Tasks):

Accessing either endpoint reveals a comprehensive list of all available API operations and their respective Service Descriptions.


To use SRS, Segpay merchants require the following:

  • SRS User ID

  • User Access Key

Merchants can contact their designated Segpay Representative or Technical Support to obtain the User ID and User Access Key.

Authentication Example

To authenticate using any of the SRS operations, replace the string placeholders in the URL with the actual UserID and UserAccessKey.

Replace the STRING placeholders in the URL with your UserID and UserAccessKey

Authentication Requirements

  • Unauthenticated API requests will be declined.

  • Ensure all API requests are channeled over HTTPS. Plain HTTP calls will be declined.


The SRS API provides several operations for both the Reporting Service and the Administrative Service.

WSDL Documents

Our Web Service Description Language docs describe the API's operations, messages, and data types:

API Request Parameters

Click the parameter name in the list to see more information about how it's used when making SRS API requests.

Description: Used to cancel a consumer's subscription.

Used in Reports: CancelMembership, ExpireMembership

Description: Any comment about why an email or IP address is blocked.

Used in Reports: InsertMerchantFraudEmail, InsertMerchantFraudIPAddress

Description: Comments about why the recurring charge was updated.

Used in Reports: ModifyRebillAmount

Description: The number of days to add to the current bill date.

Used in Reports: ExtendMembership

Description: The email address you want to block from future transactions on your account, including rebills.

Used in Reports: InsertMerchantFraudEmail

Description: To block future transactions on your account by IPAddress. Includes rebills.

Used in Reports: InsertMerchantFraudIPAddress

Description:Add a string of text to add a note to the system using the + symbol between each word.

Used in Reports: InsertConsumerNote

Description: Set a new password for the consumer's account.

Used in Reports: UpdateUserNamePswd

Description: Amount of the new recurring charge. Increasing the rebill amount requires prior approval from Segpay tech support. Otherwise, enter a value that is less than the current amount.

Used in Reports: ModifyRebillAmount

Description: Refund a specific transaction.

Used in Reports: RefundTransaction

Description: The specific transaction you want data for.

TransID=string: Pass with same start/end dates to return all transactions on that day with TransID values > passed value. For multi-day ranges, returns the next 250 transactions with TransID values > passed value.

TransID=0: Pass with same start/end dates for all transactions of the day. For multi-day ranges, returns the first 250 transactions.

Used in Reports: RefundTransaction, TransactionsList_V3, TransactionByTransID, TransactionsList_Declined_V2, TransactionsPurchasesByURL_V5

Description: User ID for authenticating all SRS operations.

Used in Reports: Used with all SRS reports.

Description: User Access Key for authenticating all SRS operations.

Used in Reports: Used with all SRS reports.

Description: Update a consumer's username and password.

Used in Reports: UpdateUserNamePswd

Here are some tips for any parameter using a date string:

  • Pass dates using the mmddyyyy format (month, day, and year) as the input value.

  • To default to today's date, pass an empty date value.


You can find more information about the Segpay Reporting System in our documentation for merchants: Segpay Reporting Service (SRS)

See Reports and Consumer Support Tasks below for examples on making requests using SRS.


This section lists all the available operations and examples for generating reports using SRS.

Report Name Description
AssetsActiveSubscriptionsByURL Provides information about the active subscribers for each of your websites.
AssetsActiveSubscriptionsByURL_RebillDate Provides information about the active subscribers for each of your websites, and includes their recurring charge amounts with last and next billing dates
CanceledSubscriptionsByURL Provides information about the canceled subscribers for each of your websites.
GetMerchantFraudEmails Provides information about all of the email addresses you have blocked on your Segpay merchant account
GetMerchantFraudIPAddress Provides information about all of the email addresses you have blocked on your Segpay merchant account.
PayPageStatsHitsByURL Provides information about the number of visitors to your payment pages each hour in the past 1 - 31 days.
PayPageStatsHitsByURL_Browser Provides information about the number of visitors to your payment pages by web browser over the past 1 - 31 days.
PayPageHitsbyURL_Country Provides information about the number of visitors to your payment pages including their origin country over the past 1 - 31 days.
PayPageStatsHitsByURL_Region Provides information about the number of visitors to your payment pages including their region over the 1 - 7 days.
ReactivationActivity Provides information about all subscription reactivation activity during a specified date range.
RevenueDailySummary Provides information about your revenue per transaction over a specific date range, showing your sales and processing fees.
RevenueHourlySignup_URL Provides information about the signup revenue for each of your websites during a specified date range of 1-31 days.
RevenueHourlySignupCounts_URL Provides information about the number of signups for each of your websites during a specified date range of 1-31 days.
RevenueSummaryBySource_URL Provides information about all sales, refunds, chargebacks, revokes, declines, and voids for each of your websites, including the source of each – initial signup, rebill, conversion or system (for reversals) – over a specified date range.
RevenueSummaryByURL Provides information about all sales, refunds, chargebacks, revokes, declines and voids for each of your websites during a specified date range.
TransactionsByPurchaseID Provides information about all transactions associated with a specific PurchaseID; for example, the initial purchase plus any rebills, refunds, etc.
TransactionsByTransID Provides information about a specific transaction based on the Transaction ID.
TransactionsList_V3 Provides information about all transactions for each of your websites over a specified date range.
TransactionsList_Declined Provides information about all declined transactions by website during a specified date range.
TransactionsPurchasesByURL_V5 Provides comprehensive purchase and transaction information for a specified URL by TransactionID.
URL_Listing Shows which of your website URLs Segpay is processing for you.
ValidateUserAccess Shows your Merchant ID number. This is useful when you have multiple Merchant IDs and need help remembering which Merchant ID is linked to which SRS User ID.

Consumer Support Tasks

This section lists all the available operations and examples for running Consumer Support Tasks using SRS.

Report Name Description
CancelMembership Cancels a consumer's subscription. The consumer has access to your service until the next billing date.
ExpireMembership Expires a subscription, removing the consumer's access to your site.
ExtendMembership Extends a consumer's subscription by adding days to the current rebill date.
GetPostbackIPList Generates a list of IP addresses for your Segpay postbacks. This is particularly useful for IP whitelisting for your server, firewall, or other security systems.
InsertConsumerNote Adds a Consumer Support note to the system. This is useful when you want to document communication between you and the consumer.
InsertMerchantFraudEmail Allows you to blacklist an email address, essentially adding it to list of blocked senders.
InsertMerchantFraudIPAddress Allows you to blacklist an IP address, essentially adding it to list of blocked addresses.
ModifyRebillAmount Changes the amount a consumer is charged on the next billing date.
RefundTransaction Refunds a specific transaction.
UpdateUserNamePswd Updates a consumer's username and password.