Manage Postbacks

Postback notifications ensure that important data is shared with you after events such as sign-ups, purchases, etc. You can store and use this data for member management or to pass variables to Segpay that can be displayed to a consumer later. You can also specify which data should be included in postbacks that you receive after various events.

Understanding Types of Postbacks

There are 2 types of Postbacks: Member Management Postbacks and Transactional Postbacks

Member Management Postbacks

Postback Type Description
  • The Inquiry postback checks if the username already exists in your system. If so, we default the username to the member’s email (verify that your system supports email addresses as usernames).

  • This postback is triggered when a username and password are entered on a Segpay payment page or are passed to Segpay from your system during checkout.

  • Once the Inquiry postback verifies the username is available (or assigns the consumer’s email address as the username), the Enable postback alerts your system to grant access to the member for the service(s) purchased.

  • This postback is triggered after an approved purchase, where a username and password were entered on the Segpay payment page or passed to Segpay from your system.

  • The Disable Postback is a notification to remove access for a member.

  • This postback is triggered once a subscription reaches its expiration date or when a cancel request, chargeback, or refund request the expiration.

  • The Cancellation Postback is notification related to account cancellations or refunds.

  • This postback is triggered when you, Segpay, or the consumer request an account cancellation or refund.

Reactivation This postback is triggered when an account cancellation or refund is requested by you, Segpay, or the consumer.

Member Management postback types are synchronous – they will wait for a response from your system and timeout if nothing is received

Transactional Postbacks

Postback Type Description
(enter up to 4)
  • This postback is triggered by any transaction (payment, refund, void, chargeback, etc.) to update your database with the transaction details.

  • Set up as many as 4 postbacks to send data to multiple locations after each transaction.
    EXAMPLE: If you use the Segpay Affiliate Master product, two transaction postbacks have to go to, so you'll still have 2 remaining postbacks to go anywhere else you like.

  • For each postback type, you can specify a URL on your system requested when that specific event occurs, along with parameters determining which data is passed back to you.

Transactional postbacks are asynchronous – they do not wait for a response. They use conventional http response codes to indicate success or failure of a request. For details, see:

Adding a Postback

Follow these steps to add a new postback configuration.

  1. Log into the Segpay Merchant Portal:

  2. Go to the My Websites menu and select Manage Postbacks.

  3. If you have multiple merchant accounts, select the account associated with the new postback and click the Add new postback button..

    You are only able to select merchant accounts assigned to you by your company administrator.

  4. Enter a name for this postback configuration in the Description field.

    This is a required field. If you're having trouble figuring out a name, you could use the name of the website associated with this postback. Example: " Postback"

    When you edit a postback after saving, the postback ID is automatically pre-pended to the description to help you identify the specific postback you are editing. Example: "2607 - Postback"

  5. Click any of the drop-down menus to display the input fields for the postback type(s) you want to set up.

    When setting up your postback, keep these tips in mind:

    • No need to type https:// into the URL field because it's automatically added to your URL (all postback notifications use SSL by default).

    • Data strings can include upper and lower-case characters, so ensure you do not require case sensitivity when setting up validations.

    • When entering text for response codes, use a simple data string such as OK. Avoid using HTML, spaces, and line breaks since they can break the postback.

    To view specific input examples for each field, refer to the Postbacks documentation inSegpay Processing API Guide.

  1. Save your changes.

Viewing Postback Configurations

After you’ve created at least one postback configuration, you can see your list of postbacks anytime by clicking My Websites > Manage Postbacks.

Each row displays the postback ID and description, and shows which postback types were configured for that ID:

Scenario Action
If you have more than 1 merchant

Select the merchant whose postbacks you want to see.

If you have a long postback list Use the search box near the top-right of the page. Enter the first few letters of the postback description until it appears in the table.
If you have more than 25 postbacks You will see the first 25 on the page by default. Click the Items per Page menu below the report to increase the results per page to 50, 100 or “All” (to see all postback IDs on one page).
If you have more than 1 page Use the arrows to move back and forth between pages in your list.

Editing or Cloning Postbacks

You can edit or clone any of your existing postbacks. View a list of your postbacks by going to the My Websites menu and selecting Manage Postbacks.

  • To edit a postback, click the Edit link to change any of the options.

  • To make a copy of a postback, click the Clone link.

Defining Postback Parameters

The following chart defines all the parameters you can add to postback URLs and specifies the types of postbacks where each parameter can be used. You can add specific parameters to the postback URL in the order you want; if you add none, all available parameters for the particular postback are passed to you.

Parameter Description

The action that generated this postback. Default values are:

  • Inquiry Postbacks: Probe A username and/or password was collected during payment. Segpay is making sure the username is available in your system. If it isnt, we will assign the consumer's email address as the username.

  • Access Enable Postbacks: Enable Access to your system has been granted, following a purchase.

  • Access Disable Postbacks: Disable Access to your system has been removed, following an account cancellation/expiration.

  • Cancellation Postbacks: Cancel A member has requested a cancellation or a refund/cancellation.

  • Reactivation Postbacks: Reactivation A cancelled or expired subscription has been reactivated.

  • Transaction Postbacks: Auth An authorization has occurred. Void A void has occurred.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Access Disable | Cancellation | Reactivation | Transaction


The type of transaction that triggered the event.

Supported values:

  • Initial: first transaction of this type

  • Conversion: first rebill of a subscription

  • Rebill: subsequent rebill transactions after a conversion.

  • Instantconversion: consumer has converted prior to original conversion date

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction

  • Yes = Authorized Transaction

  • No = Declined Transaction

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction


Transaction Type:

  • sale = sale

  • charge = chargeback

  • credit = refund

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction


PurchaseID of transaction.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Access Disable | Cancellation | Reactivation | Transaction


TransactionID of transaction.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction


Transaction amount. For currency type, see <currencycode>

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction


The currency used for the transaction:

  • USD = US Dollar

  • EUR = Euro

  • GBP = British Pound

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Reactivation | Transaction


Secure ID string used to uniquely identify the credit card used in a transaction.

Available for these Postback Types:


Consumer IP address.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction


Transaction ID of the original sale. Only available for refund, void, chargeback and revoke transactions.

Available for these Postback Types:


PackageID:BillConfigID (Signup and Stand-In only).

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Reactivation | Transaction


Initial transaction amount authorized for the sale.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction


Length, in days, of the Initial billing period (trial).

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction


Recurring billing amount. 0 if no recurring amount.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Reactivation | Transaction


Length, in days, of the recurring billing period.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction


Bill configuration description.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction

<extra username>

Username collected on the pay page.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Access Disable | Cancellation | Reactivation | Transaction

<extra password>

Password collected on the pay page.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Access Disable | Cancellation | Reactivation | Transaction


Consumer’s first and last name.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Reactivation | Transaction


Consumer’s first name.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Reactivation | Transaction


Consumer’s last name.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Reactivation | Transaction


Consumer’s e-mail address.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction


Consumer’s phone number. Collected on the pay page or passed to Segpay from you. Only collected on check transactions.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction


Consumer’s billing street address. Collected on the pay page or passed to Segpay from you.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction


Consumer’s billing city. Collected on the pay page or passed to Segpay from you.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction


Consumer’s billing state. Collected on the pay page or passed to Segpay from you.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction


Consumer’s billing zip code. Collected on the pay page or passed to Segpay from you.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction


Consumer’s billing country, represented by a two-character ISO code. Collected on the pay page or passed to Segpay from you.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction

<extra merchantpartnerid>

Affiliate ID passed to Segpay from you when the transaction executed. Useful if you use your own affiliate program and want to track sales through Segpay.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction


The transaction Global Unique Identifier (GUID) assigned to the transaction by Segpay. Used for instant conversions. NOTE: This parameter is programmatically added to a post for all instant conversion transactions.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction


-1 = Stand-In not supported. 0 = No stand-in occurred. 1 = Stand-in occurred.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction


0 = Main transaction. 1 = First cross sell. 2 = Second cross sell.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction


Date and Time (in GMT) the transaction occurred. Sent URL-encoded. Example: 7%2f28%2f2008+3%3a38%3a43+PM+(GMT+STANDARD+TIME) Example URL Decoded: 7/28/2008 3:38:43 PM (GMT STANDARD TIME)

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction


Date and Time (in GMT) the reactivation occurred. Sent URL-encoded. Example: 7%2f28%2f2008+3%3a38%3a43+PM+(GMT+STANDARD+TIME) Example URL Decoded: 7/28/2008 3:38:43 PM (GMT STANDARD TIME)

Available for these Postback Types:


Next rebill date for re-activated subscription: mm/dd/yyyy

Available for these Postback Types:


The last date the re-activated subscription was billed: mm/dd/yyyy

Available for these Postback Types:

<extra ref1>
<extra ref10>

Ref Variables are merchant reference variables. Segpay will store these variables along with the transaction, and they can be retrieved at a later time. Unlike user-defined variables, Ref values are encrypted in our database and passed back in all reports.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction

<extra xxxx>

All variables that are passed in on the pay page request via GET or POST variables will be matched to any “extra” variables and returned.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction


First 6 digits of the card number (the BIN number). The merchant needs to be configured to be able to receive this variable.

Available for these Postback Types:


Last 4 digits of the card number. The merchant needs to be configured to be able to receive this variable.

Available for these Postback Types:


Represents the response code for a transaction. Should use the normalized bank response table to return the appropriate decline message to the merchant.

Available for these Postback Types:


Two-character ISO code representing the country associated with the credit card BIN value.

Available for these Postback Types:


Reason code the user chose when refunding the transaction. Only passed back for refund and void transactions.

Available for these Postback Types:
Access Disable | Transaction


The additional comment entered when a refund or void is processed. Only passed back for refund and void transactions.

Available for these Postback Types:
Access Disable | Transaction


Name of the consumer that refunded the transaction. Only passed back for refund and void transactions.

Available for these Postback Types:
Access Disable | Transaction


Reason code the consumer chose when refunding the transaction. Only passed back for refund and void transactions.

Available for these Postback Types:
Cancellation | Transaction


The additional comment entered when a cancellation is processed. Only available in the cancellation postback.

Available for these Postback Types:
Cancellation | Transaction


Name of the consumer that cancelled the transaction. Only available in the cancellation postback.

Available for these Postback Types:
Cancellation | Transaction


Available values are: Visa, MasterCard, JCB, Discover, eCheck and DirectDebit.

Available for these Postback Types:

<extra browsertype>

Browser type identified at the time of the transaction. Can include a variety of values as there are many different browser types.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction

<extra browserversion>

Browser version identified at the time of the transaction. Example: Mozilla%2f5.0+(Windows+NT+6.3%3b+WOW64)+AppleWebKit%2f53

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction

<extra ipcountry>

Two-character ISO country code associated with the IP address for the transaction.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction

<extra ismobiledevice>

Values are: True or False, to indicate if transaction originated on a mobile device.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction

<extra platform>

The platform identified at the time of the transaction.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction

<extra template>

Paypage template associated with the package for the transaction.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction


Values are: Y or N, to indicate if payment was made via a prepaid card.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Transaction


Numeric value representing the website ID in the Segpay system.

Available for these Postback Types:
Inquiry | Access Enable | Access Disable | Reactivation | Transaction


Values are: Yes or No, to indicate whether a sale is associated with a single-use promotion. NOTE: This parameter is programmatically added to a postback for all single use promo transactions.

Available for these Postback Types:


Values are: Yes or No, to indicate if transaction required Strong Customer Authentication, via 3-D Secure, in accordance with PSD2 regulations (NOT CURRENTLY BEING ENFORCED). Notes: - Applies to Europe-to-Europe transactions in regions where PSD2 will be enforced. The SCArequired parameter is added to custom postbacks even if not specified in the URL string.

Available for these Postback Types:


Values are: Yes or No, to indicate if customer was authenticated via 3-D Secure. NOTE: The 3DSauthenticated parameter is added to custom postbacks even if not specified in the URL string.

Available for these Postback Types:


NOT CURRENTLY USED. Will include type of 3-D Secure authentication used.

Available for these Postback Types:


Converted amount, in an Amount Verification transaction, according to your base currency and the exchange rate on the day of the transaction.

Available for these Postback Types:


Currency used for Amount Verification transaction, based on consumer’s selection.

Available for these Postback Types: