2. Access & Login Credentials

To fully assess your website for compliance, Segpay needs complete access to all areas of your website. Thorough website access is crucial for us to ensure everything meets card brand regulations and protects everyone involved in the payment process.

Website Requirements

  • Operational Status: Your website must be fully active, with all content visible and all links working as intended. It's crucial for us to review a live, active site to assess compliance accurately.

  • Member Areas: For websites featuring a members-only area, providing Segpay with valid login credentials is necessary. These credentials must meet the following criteria:

    Required Criteria for Logins Description
    Unrestricted Content Access Credentials must allow complete access to all content, including areas where members might need to pay extra to view additional content (e.g., subscribing to view content from individual creators, VIP access or paying for specific content sets). We require unlimited access to thoroughly evaluate all available content.
    Non-Expiring Credentials The provided login credentials must remain valid indefinitely. Segpay and our acquiring partners may access your site periodically for ongoing reviews and assessments. Thus, credentials that do not expire are essential.
    Disabling 2-Factor Authentication (2FA) While employing 2FA for customer accounts is a best security practice, the specific login provided to Segpay should not have 2FA enabled. Our review process involves third-party tools incompatible with 2FA, and sharing 2FA-enabled logins with our acquiring partners is problematic.
    No IP Address Restrictions Segpay and our acquiring partners must be able to access the site from multiple locations.
    Consistent Login Credentials (preferred) Provide the same login credentials for all sites associated with your account whenever possible. While this is not a strict requirement, it simplifies our team's review process.

Why This Matters

Ensuring that Segpay has the necessary access to your website and its content is critical for the compliance review process. Adhering to these login credential guidelines enables a smoother evaluation.

Need Help?

Contact your Segpay Account Manager for assistance or questions about setting up access.