Dynamic Recurring Billing

Dynamic Recurring Billing allows you to adjust your subscription and trial prices daily, allowing you to cater to different pricing strategies and customer segments. This means that you aren't locked into one price point for your subscription services.

For example:

  • Consumer A can be billed $3.50 for 4 days, recurring at $28.95 every 30 days.

  • Consumer B can be charged $5 for 7 days, recurring at $34.95 every 30 days.

  • The charges are customizable based on your choice.

Setting Up Dynamic Recurring Billing

Dynamic recurring billing is set up by using three main components:

  1. Creating a Price Point
    Define minimum and maximum ranges for both initial and recurring charges. Also, set the duration (in days) of your subscription periods.

  2. API Call Setup at Checkout
    You can set numerous pricing offers within the limits defined in the first step. Make an API call during checkout to inform Segpay about the pricing and subscription length for the new consumer.

  3. Dynamically Constructing a Join Link
    Upon receiving your API call, Segpay provides an encrypted value. Add this value to your "join link" to ensure customers are directed to your payment page with accurate billing details.

To set up Dynamic Recurring Billing, get in touch with Segpay Tech support: techsupport@segpay.com

Creating a Price Point

To create a Dynamic Recurring Billing price point, you must define the price and duration ranges for both the trial and recurring stages. Refer to the table below for guidance:

Price Range Minimum Maximum
Initial Price 2.95 100.00
Initial Length 3 days 30 days
Recurring Price 19.95 49.95
Recurring Length 30 days 60 days


Ensure your API call pricing requests fall within these accepted ranges. Segpay will associate the newly created price point with a specific website and set of postback notifications for all dynamic recurring pricing. Consult with your Segpay representative about the feasibility of incorporating Dynamic Multi-Currency (DMC) into the payment package, allowing consumers the convenience of paying in their local currency.

Setting Up an API Call

The next step in using Dynamic Recurring Billing is to set up a call to the Segpay Reporting Service (SRS), triggered during member sign-up and sends Segpay the pricing information you choose for that member.

If you don’t already have a User ID and Access Key for SRS, ask your Segpay Account Manager to provide them.

URL for Setup

You can set up your API call using this URL and entering your strings and values:



The parameters required for the API call are defined in the table:

Parameter Description
MerchantID Available from your Segpay representative or in the Merchant Portal.
InitialAmount The desired charge for the consumer's trial period. Currency specification isn’t needed.
InitialLength Duration (in days) of the consumer's introductory billing period.
RecurringAmount The recurring amount to charge the consumer after the first billing period ends.
RecurringLength The length, in days, of the consumer’s recurring subscription period.

Making the Request

  • When you make the above request, you will be prompted for a Username and Password to authenticate. This is the SRS User ID and Access Key you received from your Segpay Account Manager.

  • After you provide the SRS credentials, an encrypted hashed value will be returned that looks similar to this: 4940196f-10ed-4264-96ec-0a576f142c5a

  • Store that value with the record for this purchase, and populate it in the Join Link used to send the member to the payment page.

You may receive one of the following error messages, instead of the encrypted value:

  • The initial price is outside your approved limits.

  • The initial length is outside your approved limits.

  • The recurring price is outside your approved limits.

  • The recurring length is outside your approved limits.

Retrieve your Join link from your Segpay representative or from the Merchant Portal.

The base Join link will look like this: https://secure2.segpay.com/billing/poset.cgi?

For Dynamic Recurring Billing, the Join link requires two parameters:

Parameters Description
Eticketid A concatenation of your dynamic recurring billing package ID and price point ID (format XXXXXX:YYYYY, where XXXXXX=package ID and YYYYY=price point ID). Get these values from your SegPay rep, or in the Merchant Portal under Merchant Management, Packages (Package ID) and Merchant Management, Price Points (Price Point ID).
Dynamic Pricing The encrypted value returned when you made your API call (see previous section). Create a script, for example using JavaScript or PHP, to populate this parameter with the returned value.

Example of Join Link:


This link sends your consumer to the payment page with the correct subscription pricing.