Merchant PortalDashboard

Visit the Segpay Merchant Portal – – and you are immediately presented with a dashboard providing a high-level view of your business’s performance on the Segpay system. The dashboard includes a number of smaller component boxes, each representing a key report available in the portal.

You can customize the dashboard by moving or hiding boxes, and/or by viewing data only for a specific account(s) or date range(s).

You can return to the dashboard from anywhere in the Merchant Portal by clicking the Segpay logo in header.

Customizing the Dashboard

Moving and Collapsing Boxes

You can collapse a box, essentially hiding it, by clicking the arrow in the top-right area of the box:

The body of the report is hidden, and only the date/time when the report was last updated is visible.

To move a box around the dashboard, click anywhere in the header, hold down your mouse button and drag/drop the box to any other position in the main body or the right rail:

Viewing Accounts and Date Ranges

Select the specific merchant account(s) whose data you want to see in the dashboard reports, or select All:

Most dashboard reports can display data for a specific date range as well. Click the date-selector box and choose the time period you want to report on. Select Today, Yesterday, This Week (the current Sunday-Saturday period), Last 7 Days, This Month, Last Month (the previous calendar month), Last 30 Days.

Click Apply to submit your preferred date range, then click Refresh. The dashboard reports will reflect the new date range.

Click the small image in the top-right area above most dashboard reports to save the report as an image (.png file).

Available Dashboard Reports

Each report available on the dashboard is described below:

Estimated Rebills

Bar graph showing the number of rebills (recurring payments) scheduled during the selected date range, starting today for the merchant(s) selected. The dates are listed on the graph’s left axis, with the rebill count(s) and amount(s) listed at the bottom. Point your mouse at a bar on the graph to see the rebill count and estimated monetary amount for that date. (HOW DO WE KNOW WHAT CURRENCY THE AMOUNTS ARE REPORTED IN?)

Approves vs. Declines

Line graph showing the number of transactions approved and declined for the merchant(s) selected, during the date range selected. The transaction counts are listed on the graph’s left axis, with the dates listed along the bottom. Monetary values, and approved/decline percentages, are displayed at the top of the graph. Mouse over any point on the graph to see the specific number of approvals or declines on that specific date.

Total Sales and Sales from Top Performing Sites

Line graph showing sales from the top 3 performing websites (if you have at least 3) for the merchant(s) and date range selected. Transaction counts are listed on the graph’s left axis, with the dates (or times of day, if report was run for “today” or “yesterday”) listed along the bottom. Point your mouse at a line on the graph to see the total sales (monetary value) for that date.

Monthly Chargeback Stats

Gauges showing chargeback percentage (total chargebacks divided by total sales) for both Mastercard and Visa, for the selected merchant(s) and date range. Colored zones indicate whether your account is in good standing (green), nearing the allowable threshold for chargebacks in your region (yellow) or in danger of suspension by the card provider (red).


Sales Difference

Difference, in monetary value, between your “current” sales – during the selected date range – and sales for the “previous” period. For example, if you selected Last 30 Days, then current = sales over the last 30 days, and previous = sales for the 30 day period prior to that. Results display in green if the current period’s sales are higher (an increase) or red if the previous period is higher (a decrease).

Sales to Hits

The ratio of sales to hits during the selected date range (hits = unique visits to your websites, based on referring IP/website combination). The overall ratio is listed at the top of the report. Your top 5 performing sites (if you have at least 5) are listed below, with the total sales, hits and the ratio for each. Note that cross sells are not included in this report.

Signups and Rebills

Total monetary value of signups and rebills (recurring charges) for the selected merchant account(s) and date range. Point your mouse at the shaded areas of the charts to see specific numbers. Your top 5 performing sites (if you have at least 5) are listed toward the bottom.

Sales by Country

World map highlighting your top 5 countries for sales (if you have at least 5) during the selected date range. Point your mouse at one of the highlighted countries to see your sales for that country during the selected date range.

Top Billing Price Points

Shows your total signups for the selected date range at the top. The 5 price points (if you have at least 5) that generated the highest percentage of those signups are listed below, alongside the % that each price point generated during the selected date range. Click on a price point ID (PPID) to edit that price point in a new browser tab.


Shows the last 10 invoices paid out to you during the selected date range (if you had at least 10), including the merchant, date paid and invoice amount. Click the Merchant ID to view details about that merchant in a new tab.